Tuesday, July 03, 2007

the progenitor counted three reasons to feel macho. top of the list - near death experience, tied for second place - the skull cup of bandages to cover up his split head which makes him feel like a gangsta thug and the shaved chest which makes him feel like a "classier" salman khan.
so far he's cribbed about the diet, the tv remote, the poor little resident medical thingy's lack of fashion sense, the tea - make that thrice, chinese food (unconnected, but that doesn't stop him) and life in general.
if my mother doesn't go to work tomorrow, he might just get into a situation that's even more life-threatening. so far i've been lying about visiting hours being shorter than they actually are. but she got the full blast today and passions ran high. blazing eyes, gnashing teeth, monosyllables and the whole works. well there were polysyllables too, but necessarily contained to the sibilant variety.
god, or anybody else, help.