Friday, April 28, 2006

usual rant

i did not have time to eat lunch, almost didn't salvage dinner from a remarkably hungry and self-centred family, my "i love you" lighter has stopped working, ALL thanks to the people who first laugh at it and THEN go on to play with it for forty minutes. my smoking habit is becoming hazardous for my knees, in the midst of this unbearable heat i'm running a bleeding temperature and feel like a beetle. i need new clothes, new shoes, new accessories , yes, yes i DO need a new apple notebook - never mind what i use it for, its none of your business, and i need to find a new gym. the first thing that hits me when i walk in is a stench. industrial strength BO in a closed air-conditioned environment simply does NOT work for me. thank you very much. and wipe off that expression from your face, it has nothing to do with my natural laziness and reluctance to do anything remotely requiring effort.