Friday, May 12, 2006

thank god, the day's over

the day lived up to its expectation. the mildest conversation i had today is as follows
to me : " aren't you ashamed? you have more shoes than days in a week, two weeks really".
from me: " i did not make the gregorian calendar." and i have more footwear stashed than what can be seen strewn all over the stairs.
after ten days, i finally had time to finish my book. didn't realise what kind of an animal existence i lead, till actually typing this last sentence out. the palace of dream peeks out from the basket* in an extremely tantalising fashion, but i am saving it for sunday. the question now is, do i or do i not start with nick hornby at the moment?non-demanding, yet satisfying , quite a perfect one-night stand of a book.
as for as sunday, i will not get out of the bed until i'm ready, i won't step out of the house and i'll just read the sunday comics and prop myself up on seven pillows and read. i may go for a walk in the evening, or i may not. i'll take three naps through the day and have an early dinner and go to bed at a time that allows me to have a ten-hour sleep.

* yes, i have a plain jhuri
where i keep books, phones, t-shirts, glasses, unidentifiable electronic remnants, an old paper bag filled with stuff i am yet to discover and a plastic wind-up dinosaur in lurid green. i keep my humongous suitcase balanced on my bedside table, which someone has considerately covered with my second-best silk dupatta