Tuesday, March 28, 2006

can you grieve the death of grief?

there is this blog that i spent quite some time reading. i'm too lazy to figure out sidebars and stuff, i don't know if blogiquette permits you to link up random strangers ( mycotoxin could figure it out, but i think he is in prison or in a coma or abducted by porpoises) and i am also a bit retarded when it comes to html. so i just copied the link here
i was reading some of the older posts and it is sometimes an intensely emotional blog, that i couldn't help relating to. i don't know if i'd have the courage to be so open about all my fears and grief, anonimity does offer you the option, but i am a greater coward. i don't know if i'd be ready to lay it bare for me, to see for myself and face my demons.
reading her bit, i was assured. at least of of one thing - that i do not feel some emotions by myself and that there are other people who go through similar motions, who tread those same paths.
having gone through my own bit with my own K ( my own, hah!), i was remembering some things i've tried hard to forget. i was so unsure all along whether you are allowed to grieve the death of a relationship that never was. i could not figure out what to do and what to feel. except sometimes, when i cried, i would feel so guilty and tell myself i am not entitled to those tears.
i was very shocked to discover today, when i was reading it and as i am writing now, that something that took so much out of my life at one point of time, has lost all meaning. i amost felt sad to realise i do not feel sad about it anymore.